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  • The Power of the Sauna

The Power of the Sauna

How Regular Sauna Use Can Change Your Life

What can it do for you?

Let’s be honest, life is busy! And yet here I am trying to tell you how to fit more into your life. I’m trying to only share ways to make your life more efficient, more effective and to do more with less. Stick with me in the coming weeks and I think you’ll see how that all makes sense.

I wasn’t always a fan of the sauna-like I am today. You pretty much can’t do anything else - your phone overheats - I mean this better be really good for me right? But then, I started enjoying it regularly starting about 3 years ago. COVID was raging and I was on a warpath to get healthier, stay healthier, and feel better. I soon figured out why all the rage and why Finland constantly ranks as so happy. It’s now my happy place.

Regular sauna usage benefits your immune system, improves your sleep, lowers stress and as the data continues to surface - seems to increase longevity and lower disease risk and all-cause mortality.

I try to get 3 - 25 minute sessions in each week at around 192-204 degrees. The results for me have been lower stress, more relaxation, better sleep, and likely a lot more. I typically follow it up with a cold plunge which feels refreshing. I will share more on the benefits cold plunge in an upcoming newsletter.

Two places are holy: church and sauna.


What are the claimed benefits?

The array of benefits includes breathing improvements for asthma and COPD, and detoxification. It also encompasses ease in joint pain and improved range of motion, excretion of toxins and heavy metals, and fewer colds and viral illnesses.

Healthier skin and improved sleep are notable benefits. Additionally, increased metabolism, weight loss, and less muscle and joint pain. Some argue it’s because using the sauna is almost like a moderate form of exercise to your heart.

The list extends to a lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, overall relaxation, and recovery for sore muscles. Finally, benefits include reduced stress, skin health, and graceful aging benefits, along with stress reduction and fewer depressive symptoms.

But the most well-known scientifically validated benefits are:

Cardiovascular Health: Engaging in regular sauna sessions has been linked to improved cardiovascular function. A comprehensive review highlighted sauna bathing's potential to reduce the risk of vascular and heart diseases, showcasing its role in promoting a healthier heart and circulatory system[1].

Neurocognitive Enhancement: Beyond cardiovascular perks, sauna use has shown promise in bolstering brain health. Research indicates a connection between regular sauna use and a decreased risk of neurocognitive disorders, offering a simple yet effective strategy to protect your mental acuity[2].

Respiratory Function: For those concerned about respiratory health, sauna bathing may offer relief and fortification. A study revealed that frequent sauna users had a lower risk of pneumonia, underscoring the practice's role in supporting respiratory wellness[3].

Longevity and Overall Health: Perhaps most compelling is the association between sauna use and increased health span. Observational and interventional studies suggest that regular sauna sessions correlate with reduced mortality and enhanced overall health, presenting a straightforward practice to integrate into your longevity regimen[4].

It may sound like intentional torture but it may be one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health, happiness, and longevity. But how much sauna do you need to experience the Science-backed benefits of a regular sauna?

In a world where the quest for health and longevity is paramount, sauna usage emerges as a compelling ritual to enhance well-being. While the tradition of sauna bathing dates back centuries, recent scientific findings illuminate its multifaceted health benefits, making it an essential practice for those committed to a holistic approach to health.

Addressing Common Objections and Integrating Sauna Use into Your Life

While the benefits are clear, incorporating regular sauna sessions into a busy lifestyle may seem daunting. Here's how to overcome potential hurdles:

Time Constraints: Carving out time for sauna use might challenge busy schedules. Consider integrating sauna sessions into your existing routine, such as post-workout or as a relaxation method before bed.

Accessibility: Not everyone has immediate access to a sauna. Many health clubs offer sauna facilities. Alternatively, home sauna kits have become more accessible and can be a worthwhile investment in your health.

Health Concerns: Some may worry about the safety of sauna use, especially in the context of pre-existing health conditions. Consult with a healthcare provider or do your homework to tailor your sauna experience to your health needs, ensuring a safe and beneficial practice.

Takeaway: Incorporating Sauna Use for Enhanced Well-being

1. Start Gradually: Begin with shorter sessions and gradually increase duration as you acclimate to the heat. Ideally, the latest research seems to show that you want to work your way up to 57 minutes/week for maximum benefits.

2. Hydrate: Ensure adequate hydration before and after sauna sessions to maximize benefits and maintain hydration levels.

3. Combine with Cool-Downs: Follow your sauna with a cool shower, cold plunge, or a brief period in a cooler environment to enhance circulatory benefits.

4. Make It a Ritual: Integrate sauna use into your weekly routine, viewing it as a commitment to your health and an investment in your future well-being.

In embracing the practice of regular sauna use, you're not only indulging in a time-honored wellness tradition but also aligning with cutting-edge research that underscores its significant health benefits. Make sauna bathing a cornerstone of your health strategy to nurture your body, mind and soul.


How am I doing? 👋

I’m always looking for feedback. What would you like for me to cover? Anything in the newsletter you like or want to see more or less of?

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P.S. - This newsletter does not provide medical advice. The content, such as graphics, images, text, and all other materials, is provided for reference and educational purposes only. The content is not meant to be complete or exhaustive or to be applicable to any specific individual's medical condition.

[1]: Laukkanen, T., Laukkanen, J. A., & Kunutsor, S. K. (2018). Cardiovascular and other health benefits of sauna bathing: a review of the evidence. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 93(8), 1111–1121.

[2]: Sandell, J., & Davies, M. (2023). Benefits of sauna on lung capacity, neurocognitive diseases, and heart health. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews.

[3]: Kunutsor, S. K., Laukkanen, T., & Laukkanen, J. A. (2017). Frequent sauna bathing may reduce the risk of pneumonia in middle-aged Caucasian men: The KIHD prospective cohort study. Respiratory Medicine, 132, 161-163.

[4]: Patrick, R. P., & Johnson, T. L. (2021). Sauna use as a lifestyle practice to extend healthspan. Experimental Gerontology.